---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N_PUBLIS 2.01 (C) N_Software - Noud van Kruysbergen 07/08/94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS N_PUBLIS AND WHAT DOES IT DO? N_PUBLIS is for users of Timeworks Publisher 2.0 (and G+PLUS). If you do not use this program then N_PUBLIS is of no value to you. With Timeworks you can have different Printer Installations. However, when you are using Timeworks you can only use one printer at the time. If you want to use another printer you have to rename teh ASSIGN.SYS file and the PUBLISH.WID file, reset the computer because GDOS has to use the new ASSIGN.SYS and start all over again. If you are using G+PLUS it is a bit easier already: you don't have to reboot the computer, but you can start Timeworks right away with the new settings. N_PUBLIS allows you to choose one out of four printer installations, then copies the belonging ASSIGN and WID file and starts Timeworks. HOW CAN I USE IT? N_PUBLIS off course has to know which printer installations you are using and how the belonging ASSIGN file and WID file are called. If you want to install Timeworks three possible printers, e.g. Postscript/Laserwriter, Canon Bubblejet at 180 dpi and Canon Bubblejet at 360 dpi, you have to perform the installation procedure as described in the Timeworks manual. After the installation of the Postscript/Laserwriter printer and running FONTWID.APP, as described in the manual, you have to rename the created C:\ASSIGN.SYS to for instance A_POSTCR.SYS, and PUBLISH.WID to for in- stance P_POSTSC.WID. Then you have to perform the same installation pro- cedure again for the Canon Bubblejet 180 dpi, rename the ASSIGN.SYS file to A_CAN180.SYS and the PUBLISH.WID file to P_CAN180.WID. Then the same installation procedure has to be performed again (yes, this is not how it should be!) for the Canon Bubblejet 360 dpi. Rename ASSIGN.SYS to A_CAN360.SYS and PUBLISH.WID to P_CAN360.WID. After all this is done you have to tell N_PUBLIS where these files are and how they are called. This is done by creating the file N_PUBLIS.INF, which can look like this: F:\PUBLISH\ F:\PUBLISH\GEMSYS\ASSIGN.SYS PostScript/LaserWriter F:\PUBLISH\GEMSYS\A_POSTSC.SYS F:\PUBLISH\P_POSTSC.WID Canon-BubbleJet-10e-(180-dpi) F:\PUBLISH\GEMSYS\A_CAN180.SYS F:\PUBLISH\P_CAN180.WID Canon-BubbleJet-10e-(360-dpi) F:\PUBLISH\GEMSYS\A_CAN360.SYS F:\PUBLISH\P_CAN360.WID The first line contains the folder in which PUBLISH.APP is present. The second line contains the name of the ASSIGN.SYS file that is loaded when Timeworks is started. This is C:\ASSIGN.SYS when a standard GDOS is used, and can be located anywhere when G+PLUS is used. Then the name of the first installed printer is given: 40 characters at the most, and no spaces allowed. The next line contains the ASSIGN.SYS file belonging to this printer, and the next line contains the PUBLISH.WID file. The same is then repeated for the other installed printers: printername, ASSSIGN.SYS and PUBLISH.WID. You can install up to four printers with N_PUBLIS in this way. HOW DOES IT WORK? After you have created N_PUBLIS.INF and copied it to the same folder as N_PUBLIS.PRG and N_PUBLIS.RSC, you can start N_PUBLIS.PRG. A Timeworks- like resource appears with the names of the printers you have installed. You can select one of them. The first one is the default one. When you have selected your printer you can select 'START' and PUBLISH will be started. This can only be done if you are using G+PLUS. N_PUBLIS will copy the selected printer ASSIGN and WID file to the ones used by Time- works and then execute PUBLISH.APP. The correct fonts and drivers will be loaded. If you are not using G+PLUS then you have to select 'COPY' and reboot your system. Then the correct fonts and drivers are loaded during startup. If you don't want anything to happen then you just select the 'QUIT' option. IS IT FOR FREE? Yes, N_PUBLIS may be used freely. Note that the use is at your own risk, although not much can go wrong. N_PUBLIS may be copied freely, because is is Public Domain. Keep the files N_PUBLIS.PRG, N_PUBLIS.RSC, N_PUBLIS.INF and N_PUBLIS.TXT together, because otherwise the program does not work or new users will not know how to use it. I am not involved with GST, Timeworks or whatever, I am only a satisfied user that just missed this option. I hope that a printer selector will be added in the next version of Timeworks, along with the use of Speedo- GDOS and a better installation procedure. I also hope that the new Timeworks version supports some sort of argv[] protocol, so that I can drag a .DTP file to PULISH on my 2.06 TOS and that DTP file will be loaded automatically... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noud van Kruysbergen NICI / UoN PO Box 9104 6500 HE Nijmegen The Netherlands email: kruysbergen@nici.kun.nl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------